Golden Hills Sanitation Company (GHSC) is a privately owned wastewater treament system. GHSC is located West of the City of Tehachapi in Kern County, California. GHSC was formed as a private California corporation to provide wastewater collection and treatment services to
Golden Hills Community on September 8, 1980.
An Agreement to construct the Golden Hills Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and collection system was executed by GHCSD, GHSC, adjoining landowners, Golden Hills Country Club, County Club Estates, Golden Hills Land Company, and Golden Highlands Manufactured Home Estates on March 22, 1983.
The wastewater treatment plant construction was completed in 1989 and has been in service since that time.
Rates are regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).
The average flow at the GHSC treatment plant is approximately 25,000 Gallons Per Day.
For the past eleven years, the Golden Hills santitation Company has been in a Court-ordered 'Receivership'.
What is a 'Receivership'? A Receiver is appointed, in this case by the Kern County Supreme Court, to act as a 3rd party “fiduciary” to help as custodian of an entity's property, finances, general assets, and business operations until the point a new long-term owner is identified.The GHSC system is run efficiently by a team of both business professionals and certified wastewater operators. .
Tertiary-treated water from the sanitation system is a significant asset to keep water in Tom Sawyer Lake, a desirable amenity for GH residents, and a destination for a multitude of water fowl and other wildlife in the GH area.
Typical wastwater treatment utlizes both primary and secondary treatments. GHSC's Tertiary treatment adds a third, more advanced and rigorous level of treatment. Primary and secondary treatment typically get wastewater only clean enough to discharge safely into the environment. Tertiary treatment, on the other hand, can achieve a third level of water purification.
Currently, the Golden Hills wastewater treatment system provides wastewater collection,
treatment, and treated effluent disposal for approximately 210 active service connections. There are approximately 30 future connections that have been paying standby fees until their lots are developed with new homes.
GHSC's customer base continues to grow along with new home development. Other existing homes on a septic system have been brought online if they are within 200 feet from of an existing sewer line and have experienced a failed septic system.
Under the current management structure, customers are receiving sewer service at a monthly rate established by the CPUC. The California Public Utilities Company (CPUC) sets the utility rates. Slight increases may occur if the CPUC approves the application for a CPI increase. Notices will be sent to all customers when this occurs.